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Your First Draft is Complete Now What by Shawndra Holmberg 3D transparent.png

Before you hand your manuscript off to a professional editor for copy or line editing, equip yourself with the essential tool: “Your First Draft is Complete, Now What?” This book serves as your editing checklist, targeting common issues frequently encountered in first drafts. While some items on this list may indeed be errors (such as misspellings or incorrect word usage), many are subtle distractions or unnecessary fluff that could hinder your manuscript’s potential.


Available at Amazon in paperback and ebook and other locations.

Organizing Writers & Creatives

Preparedness D2D with handbook (2)_edite

Do you talk about writing someday when you have time? Let's zap those time wasters in your day and open up the time to write.


Do you crave a room of your own to write, create, or dream? Let's clear out that spare bedroom and turn it into an oasis of creativity.


Do you put off writing, painting, or creating until you've cleared your paper piles? Let's conquer those paper mountains together. (Check out my book - 31 Small Steps to Organize Your Paper)


Do you dream of becoming an author someday? Let's make that dream come true by creating a space just for you, clearing your schedule of the unnecessary, and setting doable steps for you to take next.


Someday is now!  Get organizing help to make time in your schedule for your goals; space in your home for you; and get the paper under control.


 to find out how to get started:

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I don't know what you look at or buy and so far I've been able to buy, on average, 3 cups of coffee each year from the income.

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