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Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Unlock Your Writing Motivation
I got stuck. I got busy. I focused on other things. The writing was shut down. My writing motivation was wandering around somewhere...

Shawndra Holmberg
5 min read
Fuel Your Passion for Writing with Retreats, Conferences & Writing Groups
Concentrate your focus, build writing skills, increase creativity, or nurture your motivation with writing groups, retreats & conferences

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Can Your Creativity Trust You?
Your creativity is part of who you are, but asking if your creativity can trust you also sets it up as an entity you must respect and use.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Save Time, Develop a Writing Ritual
When you build a habit or develop a ritual around your writing, you can get to your computer, tablet or paper in the write mindset. You’ll s

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Your First Draft is NOT meant to be perfect
Your published book will look nothing like the first draft. The final draft of the book, the one you’ll publish, will come from the PROCESS

Shawndra Holmberg
4 min read
What happens if the biggest writing challenge you face is you?
YOU may be your biggest writing challenge. Here are six ways to build your confidence in your ability to write and publish your book.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Get to Know Your Ideal Reader
It’s hard to write a book for the masses, but it’s easy to speak to an individual. Knowing your Ideal Reader can help you write.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Writing Prompts
A list of prompts to get you started. Some prompts are geared toward non-fiction, others for fiction.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
The Organized Pen: Day 1 | Welcome
Start your writing journey today. Get tools, tips and strategies.

Shawndra Holmberg
4 min read
The Organized Pen: Day 6 | INTERNAL SUPPORT
What’s your cue to set up to show up? Build your habit so that writing naturally follows.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
You have the Time, but do you have the Energy?
Getting things done is really about Energy management. It's about managing our energy levels (mental and physical, even emotional).

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
New Beginnings are great. The slate is clean; the options are numerous; and anything is possible. Three things to do to make progress...

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
⛱ Organize for Summer Fun
The goal is not to get organized. The goal is to be organized enough to enjoy your summer adventures.

Shawndra Holmberg
2 min read
Don't Let the Year Get Away from You
Now is the perfect time to check back with your goals, dreams, and hopes for the year. Pick one you will devote time, effort, and resources

Shawndra Holmberg
2 min read
Appreciate What's Working
Its a time to be thankful; to recognize and to cherish the good things in your life. I would like to suggest that you start out...

3 min, 3 sec Estimated Reading Time
3 min read
So Many Interests — How Do You Choose
An active mind is a common cause of clutter and overwhelm: A passion for learning, a wide variety of interests & hobbies, great ideas, &

1 min, 37 sec Estimated Reading Time
2 min read
6 Stages of Getting Organized
Before you jump into that project, let’s make sure you have set yourself up for success and completion. You can do this by reviewing the Six

3 min, 2 sec Estimated Reading Time
3 min read
SORT (Stage 3 to Getting Organized)
The third stage of organizing is SORTING. I took months trying to decide if sorting came before letting go or after. It's necessary to s

4 min, 12 sec Estimated Reading Time
4 min read
LET GO (Stage 2 to Getting Organized)
The second stage in getting organized (and working on your organizing project) is to LET GO of what doesn't work for you, what you no lo

1 min, 20 sec Estimated Reading Time
2 min read
CLARIFY (Stage 1 to Getting Organized)
The first stage of organizing is CLARIFY. You need to get clear on what you really want and need before you start so you’ll end up where you
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