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Shawndra Holmberg
9 min read
Disaster, Emergency, or just the Unexpected — Be Prepared
There are 5 stages to emergency preparedness: Planning, Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. Take Action by...

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
7 documents you must have in your pet's emergency kit
Place the following 7 documents in a resealable plastic bag (2 bags are better than one) or a water proof poach - add it to your pet's kit.

Estimated Reading Time: 2 min, 17 sec
3 min read
Keep your pet calm on the 4th (and during emergencies)
You already know if your dog, cat or other pet hates fireworks or thunderstorms. But even if they’re okay with the lights and bangs they may

Estimated Reading Time: 8 min, 30 sec
8 min read
Your Checklist for Moving Fido and Fluffy
If you're moving pets across country or across town, you'll need a checklist to make your move easier and less stressful for both yo

Shawndra Holmberg
5 min read
3 Easy Steps to the Safe Return of Your Pet
Don’t let your pet be adopted by some other family after a disaster because no one knew they belonged to you. Microchip & register them.

Shawndra Holmberg
9 min read
Prepare your Pets - Build an Emergency Supply Kit
Ensure that your pets are taken care of and you’re prepared. Build your emergency supply kit for pets.
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