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Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Unlock Your Writing Motivation
I got stuck. I got busy. I focused on other things. The writing was shut down. My writing motivation was wandering around somewhere...

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
It's Fall — What's Your Writing Plan?
What is your writing plan for September, October, and November? Determine what you need in these 5 areas to write this fall.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Your First Draft is NOT meant to be perfect
Your published book will look nothing like the first draft. The final draft of the book, the one you’ll publish, will come from the PROCESS

Shawndra Holmberg
4 min read
What happens if the biggest writing challenge you face is you?
YOU may be your biggest writing challenge. Here are six ways to build your confidence in your ability to write and publish your book.

Shawndra Holmberg
4 min read
The Organized Pen: Day 6 | INTERNAL SUPPORT
What’s your cue to set up to show up? Build your habit so that writing naturally follows.
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