Carole B. from Louisville, CO

Or do you want to stay buried in paper?

Carole B. from Louisville, CO
Paperwork Party™
You don't have to dread the paperwork any longer.
Let's handle it together with a Paperwork Party™
DURING every two-hour Paperwork Party™ you will:
Take Action on your papers
Sort / File / Archive / Shred / Toss / Do / Delegate / Schedule
Ask questions as you go. There are two reasons joining a virtual Paperwork Party™ helps you:
you’re not the only one – each of us is working on tax preparation, mail processing, receipt entry, business bookkeeping, email clearing, electronic file organizing or getting a handle on our information, and we’re doing it together;
you have a question, you’ve got me, a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization (CPO-CD), to ask immediately. No pushing the item aside to decide later. Help is here now – ASK.
Finish up for the day. You may need more time getting your paperwork under control, but these two hours will give you the support and encouragement you need to keep going.
Establish your Next Steps for paperwork freedom. Will you join us for another Paperwork Party™? Will you work on your paper 15 minutes every day? Will you finish that box or this pile?
Celebrate. Pack up, clear up, finish up, and pat yourself on the back for getting closer to your paperwork freedom goal.
Schedule a Personal Paperwork Party™:
$140 for 4 two-hour sessions
$65 for single session