It is important to know what you want and "no" what you don't want.
Before you commit to yet another responsibility, task, or project, know what you want and ask yourself:
Does this support my current priority (my ONE Thing)?
Does this support my goals?
Do I want to do it?
Do I have time to do it in addition to the other things I've committed to?
Do I want to let go of something else to make room for this?
If the answers aren't "YES", then say "no" to it.
Here are some ways to say "no":
That sounds very interesting, but I'm not taking on anything more at the moment.
If you can take over XYZ, then I could...

Sorry, my schedule is full at the moment.
Thanks for thinking of me, but I can't take it on this year, maybe next year.
Let me check my schedule and get back to you.
Send me an email reminder and I'll check my schedule.
Sorry, I have something else planned.
Sorry, I can't.
At the moment, I can't take on more commitments.
No, but thank you for thinking of me.
No thanks.
Nice people say no. Important people say no. You are both nice & important. Say "yes" to you and "no" to more things to do.
Routinely evaluate your commitments. Last year, it may have been a YES but things may have changed; you're responsibilities may have changed; your interests may have changed; and this year you may want to say "no" to it.
Are you ready to take a stand, make choices, and decide to keep only the great opportunities and commitments in your life? Check out Don't settle for good, go for GREAT!